Goodbye, Naheli.

Writing has been good today again. Haven’t been feeling too well otherwise (maybe it’s the strange weather), but the Muse is awake. And she’s happily throwing plans out the window (see previous post).

Meanwhile, I am trying to get my cover for Naheli set up. I haven’t even completely decided on a title yet. My favourite all this time was The Fourth Rule, but it seems Tree of Glass is more popular with my testing writing partners. I also like Naheli’s Sacrifice, which is really what it is all about. But I need to make a decision soon because once I have the manuscript back from my editor, I won’t be able to wait, I think. I’m only weeks away from my very first publication, and I’m impatient now. It’s amazing, seeing it all come together. I’ve worked on this story for a total of four years… and just found my very first notes while cleaning out my wardrobe. It’s funny, seeing the first ideas that sparked this novel. They have little to do with the final product, but that’s the way I’ve always worked. Of course I had time travel planned for the original version. And other dimensions. Oh, and dark-light angels. And shapeshifters. And three groups of religious fanatic on the mainland. … It’s probably a good thing I managed to stick to one storyline in the end.

I’m missing Naheli. When I had finished my final self-edit, I actually grieved for a few days. It was like losing a friend, someone who has accompanied me for a long time. Maybe that’s what stopped me from really getting Naheli out there for so long. Once I do, her story is set in stone, and we won’t be rewriting anymore. Still, it’s time now. I need to take this next step.

Onward to Arrianha. She also has a story that needs to be told.

Best writing song right now: Nova by VNV Nation.